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You are the most magnetic, radiant and abundant when you trust yourself.

When you trust yourself, you are truly trusting the power that animates you. Call it what you will, but this Divine power is guiding you towards your highest potential and ultimate fulfillment 24/7.

I've recorded 3 audio lessons carrying the frequency of life-changing wisdom, Universal Laws and practical tips to trust Divine Guidance now. 

You can access these for free for a limited time only. It's time to remember who you really are and what you're really made of.

I'm Nichole Sylvester, a Spiritual Coach & Embodiment Expert for women remembering their Divinity...

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I MUST TELL YOU, I wasn't always this way... I created this because the former ME needed this! 

In 2007, I was living in deep shame, heavy guilt and suffering with PTSD and addiction after leaving a violent relationship.

I was struggling as solo parent with no support, living paycheck to paycheck, doing my best to find normal, but I felt broken from the inside out. I couldn't see my value, I heard the voices of my abusers and I was deeply insecure.

Everything changed in 2011 when my stress and trauma deteriorated my health, and I discovered Universal Laws, and became to devoted to my Spiritual practice. 

For almost 9 years now I've helped thousands of women from all over the world in my workshops, coaching, live events, retreats and via my books and podcast, Miracle Minded.

Now, if you're open to it, I'd love to support you. 

 xo Nichole

YES! Send me the 3 audios and journal reflections. I'm ready to TRUST and TRANSFORM from within...

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