Money is an emotional journey.


Money Miracles is spiritual and transformational money program unlike anything you've experienced. 

Here's the thing, it's so much deeper than money, it's Self-Worth, Trust, Receivership, Providership, Permission and unlearning limiting beleifs and more importantly, states of being.

Practical, spiritual, energetic and mindset tools to  transform your relationship to money and yourself, forever.

To trust money, to recieve more, to experience ease and grace and manifest miracles!

Money Miracles is a 6 week Spiritual Money Revolution designed to transform your relationship with money, yourself and Infinite $upply.

The program is uniquely layered with spiritual, emotional, mindset and embodiment practices to revolutionize your relationship to money forever. 

 Work this program and it will work on you...

Your self-worth impacts your net-worth.

This is beyond mindset, it's SOUL level self-esteem. When you’re disconnected from your Divinity, you will feel deficient.The inner-work to uncover your money blocks is LAYERED. MENTAL. PHYSICAL. EMOTIONAL. SPIRITUAL. When I was starting on the path to identify and break-free from my money blocks, I read the books, repeated the mantras, bought the courses however, still I hit the same frustrating walls of self-sabotage and stress!

What I now know is that I needed to go deeper. I came to realize that mindset work alone wasn't enough. Especially for us women, we are deeply feeling beings. I had to dramatically raise my awareness to explore and activate mind, body, spirit and emotion. It was my process to reveal, heal and awaken that allowed me to go from welfare to multiple $ix-figures in one year.

I went from living in constant money lack and stress to building a THRIVING online business from scratch to live a gorgeous, ABUNDANT lifestyle, even as a single mom.

The ability to invest thousands monthly into building and growing my dream business PLUS investing in my WELL-BEING on my terms. Traveling around the world, 5 star resorts, shopping, luxury and play. Most importantly, I live a life at my own pace.

This not only for me but for my daughter, her children and beyond. This program is deeper than money! It's liberating yourself.

Here's the thing...

All of this wasn't created by following logic, strict budgets and being fearful of spending, it happened when I began to experiment with the Universe and trust in my desires.

It wasn't always this way.

I know exactly how it feels to live in lack because I grew up in a family that barely “got by” where my parents argued over essentials. 
Later, I found myself as a single mother, leaving an extremely abusive relationship and doing everything to heal my heart, my beliefs and self-worth to give my daughter a better life.
I barely made rent and my bills were constantly late, car repossession, I was ashamed. 
Still, I continued down the dark path, I found myself on homeless at one point living in my friends guest bedroom with my daughter and on welfare. 
My self-worth issues kept me in a loop of financial struggle.
I wondered if I would ever make it out of the “hole” I unconsciously dug for myself? 
The debt and poor credit making it nearly impossible to move into rentals and buy myself a car. It felt like an uphill battle on a sweltering hot day. Not fun! 
I DECIDED. I made changes...

JUST LIKE YOU, I knew I was made for more... Deep down, I knew I was made for more than struggle.

I had a desire for upgrades, I loved luxury and gorgeous environments. I knew I deserved more...I had to decide I was worthy and do the inner-work to redesign my reality. 
I bet on myself, I prioritized my inner-work over everything, I placed myself in environments and groups that reminded me of what was possible and mostly I expected miracles.
I invested in myself again and again. Even when I "couldn't afford it" and committed to radical change. IT WORKED. 
My biggest breakthroughs happened when I applied the spiritual and energetic processes I learned in practitioner training and downloads from hundreds of hours of meditation to my own money "blocks". 
Your life can dramatically upgrade and fast when you surrender to a new way of being and seeing money..and your power. It's an emotional and spriitual journey. 
And breakthroughs require your devotion.
I want this for you. That's why I created Money Miracles! 

Meet Your Guide

Nichole Sylvester

I'm a Spiritual Success & Embodiment Coach for women refusing mediocre to experience their MAGNIFICENCE. 

I’m a living testimony of the radical transformation that’s possible when a woman refuses to give up on herself.  That's why I am devoted to helping women like you get free. I help women cultivate Soul level self esteem. Money is deeply tied to this. 

#1 Bestselling Author, Host of Evolving Podcast, Founder of Miracle Worker Method & Entrepreneur.

My passion is helping women remember their Divinity, realize their wildest dreams and own their power to prosper. 

You’ve got big plans and a RICH life to live, it’s time to make it happen...together! 


Course Outline

Pre-Work: Feel it into Existence

This PDF + Audio will help you set the tone for FEELing and shifting into radical abundance now. This exclusive practice will guide you into powerful manifestation during our 6 weeks together and BEYOND!

Week 1: Making Space for Money

One word: CLARITY. This crucial week makes space for the miracles you're calling in. You'll be guided to clear energy leaks, emotional clutter and prepare your physical space to receive more than ever before. Expect mind, body, emotional and environmental shifts that change the way you see.

Week 2: Transcend Stubborn Blocks & Sabotage

You'll be guided inwards to deeply explore your conscious and unconscious money patterns. You'll discover the root of your most stubborn and frustrating money behaviors and how to stop. 

Week 3: Reclaim Your Divinity  

A sacred activation of Worthiness & Trust.  You'll discover how to heal your money "wounds" with both feminine and masculine energies. This week you'll anchor into your Divine Royal nature that is your ONE of ONENESS and feel priceless, infinite and gifted. 

Week 4: Unleash the Rich Woman Within

Hello Magnetism! This week is all about manifestation, presence and your energetics. It's time to think and FEEL yourself rich. You will be guided into higher frequencies to become a magnet for your true desires. Tap into a more pleasurable life than ever before! 

Week 5: Living the Miracle Lifestyle 

The power of deeply trusting Source as your $upply and leaning into easy for the long-term. You'll learn the feminine energetics of receiving more money, holding ongoing desire and prosperous expectations.

Week 6: Upgrade Your Money Identity

Who are you when it comes to money? You're in for an upgrade! This week is a journey into measuring and growing your money. We'll even explore the energetics of pricing your time, services and products. Next we'll examine the energetics of debt, credit and receiving Universal support. The most miraculous approach to money, ever!


PLUS BRAND NEW programs added as pre/post course bonuses: 

Money Faith

Money Medicine

Loved & Provided for Activation

Hear from Jane, Brittany, Monique, Myriam, and Rose on 
Money Miracle Success 

Here's what you'll receive with Money Miracles:


Six Weekly Money Miracle Modules

Each Monday, you´ll have a new module ready for you, it´s so exciting! Each module includes mindset coaching, spiritual process and transformational assignments to help you change the way you see money, forever. (Video & Audio)


Six Weekly LIVE Calls with Nichole

Money Miracles has six LIVE Coaching Sessions with Nichole. These sessions are Q&A style coaching + spiritual activations + channeled lessons based on group needs. Personalized support within the group. The recordings will be available. These calls alone are valued at $1999 (6 x 60 Minutes) 


Six Weekly Printable Mini-Workbooks

 Each designed to take you deeper.


Six Weekly Money Meditations

Exclusively created to anchor you in the weekly lesson.


NEW Program Bonuses:

More than 20 HOURS of transformational bonus content to amplify your money revolution. Includes money coaching recordings + money training series + money acitvations to breakthrough energetically! 



Money Miracle Community

This community is everything! The people around you are critical to lasting shifts. My group participants have become best friends, business partners and collaborate. This community alone is worth the investment. Priceless.


Lifetime access to Money Miracles 

The life changing content is yours to do again and again! 



Money Immersion Training Day 2 only from my LIVE event - hours of breakthroughs (Value $977)

Worthy of More Coaching Series (value $1,555)

Money Faith ($333)

Money Emotional Intelligence 5 Day Series ($497)

And NEW Inner Riches Energy Activations! ($111) 


What the Community is Saying
about Money Miracles

"I came to Nichole because I wanted to shift my wealth mindset and learn to flex my money making muscles. Honestly, I couldn't afford to work with her, but I couldn't afford NOT to. After moving some mountains and experiencing shifts before we even began, I knew I was in for a transformational month. While working with Nichole, I launched my first course, made back the money I invested to work with her and deepened my loving relationship with money. Making money while having an impact was easy and fun! Nichole will unleash your inner money making beast in the most harmoniously delicious way ever. If you need a life and business upgrade or want the kind of support that will bring you out of hiding, hire Nichole. You can afford it. I love you Nichole! Thank you for all you do!"

– Eliana Reyes

"Being in Nichole’s group has brought so much more value to my life than just 6 figures. My personal/spiritual path for me was awakened more on this journey than anything."

– April Goldade

"Starting this journey with Nichole, I was skeptical. I was in fear over finances and I wasn't sure it would be worth it. But the fear alone is why I knew I needed to do it! I have looked up to Nichole and have wanted to work with her for a while, and I knew I needed to jump. Nichole's support and belief in me made me believe in myself!

Since working with Nichole, I have increased my income substantially, gained more clients, and have created and entire program from scratch. I also did my first podcast this week and got asked to speak at my first event, and I get PAID! GUYS. Nichole will push you in the best way possible and support you. If you're ready to take action and fly on your dreams, it is an absolute MUST." 

– Linzee Belle

"Working with Nichole was the biggest and scariest investment I have made in my spiritual growth so far. I am so glad I listened to my intuition and took the leap of faith, despite the fear. Diving into this work with her has created abundance and opportunities in my life far greater than I ever could’ve imagined. She takes you deep into self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs and conditioning and guides you through your own personal healing and unfoldment. Through this work I was able to release what was no longer serving me, reconnect with my own divinity and step into my power. During the last week of the program I manifested $10,000!!!! I did not have to work for this money and it was totally unexpected! This work is truly life-changing! If you work with Nichole and follow her guidance you can definitely expect miracles."

– Kate Issac, Money Miracles Member

"My decision to do this course has helped me clear out unhealthy/toxic money energetics, tune into my feminine energy, ditch the beliefs that weren't mine, and transform into my Highest self. This course has forever changed the way I view money, myself, and the world around me...don’t hold back, I promise it will be worth every penny."

– Abigail Thomas, Money Miracles Member

Doors close on June 18 @ 9pm PST

Pay in Full to Save 

One-Time Payment of $1,997

Pay one time for Lifetime Access

PIF Bonus: (value $1497) 

  Worthy of More Money

Pay in Full & Receive Bonus

12 Month Easy Payment Plan

12 monthly payments of $197

  monthly payments for Lifetime Access to program. 

12 Month Easy Payment Plan

12 Month Payment Plan


12 payments for Lifetime Access to program.  Automatically deducted monthly over 12 months

Select the 12 Month Plan

Are you a Money Miracles Alumni?

Join Money Miracles Mastery for $677 - click here to Pay In Full  

Click here for Payment Plan 

You will get access to all SIX weekly live calls + the brand new sisterhood. 

Are you an Alumni? Reach out via [email protected] and join for $497.

This investment will revolutionize your relationship to money...and your life! 

"Nichole Sylvester’s sojourn into her true Self is one we can all take inspiration and courage from. A true spiritual warrior, she has proven in the laboratory of her own consciousness that none of us should ever give up on ourselves, that our Buddha-nature, our Christ-nature, is always victorious over our inner and outer life challenges."

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Author of Spiritual Liberation and Life Vision

"Nichole is Amazing…truly the Best of the Best!! I believe everyone needs a coach and mentor. We need someone to challenge us and to give us new tools and techniques to live the best version of ourselves. This is exactly what I’ve experienced with Nichole! I signed up for her first program not knowing what to expect. I was blown away from the very beginning. I had immediate transformations and saw results that have been life-changing for me. After that program ended, I signed up for my second program the very next week. I highly recommend Nichole to anyone that is searching for Amazing Breakthroughs and Results that will last a lifetime!!!"

Michele Grier



SAVE $$$ + Get EXTRA BONUS Program WELL PAID WOMAN ( value $444 for free)

  • *PAY IN FULL ONLY*: Well Paid Woman Program Bonus - Ideal for entrepreneurs manifesting $$$$ via business. ($444)
  • MONEY MIRACLES DIGITAL COURSE: 6 modules unlike any $ program you've experienced! Delivered weekly with over 20 hours of money trainings, nervous system, mindset and spiritual processes. Includes subconscious reprogramming, identity work, healing money shame/guilt/worry, debt miracles, meditations, workbooks and so much more! 
  • LIVE COACHING: 6 Weekly Group Coaching & Embodiment Sessions with Nichole (worth the investment alone!) Plus, recordings are yours! 
  • INSTANT ACCESS BONUS - Money Emotional Intelligence 5 part series
  • Post program bonuses delivered in week 7! (Money Faith + Worthy of More Coaching Audios + Inner Riches Activation Meditation) Over 18 hours of bonus money breakthrough content!
  •  Private community for six weeks to celebrate, share and grow with as you begin to live more Miracle Minded than ever before! 
  • Lifetime Access to growing Money Miracles Library & bonuses!


$359 x 6 Monthly Payments

Money Miracles Now, Pay over Time

  • MONEY MIRACLES DIGITAL COURSE: 6 modules unlike any $ program you've experienced! Delivered weekly with over 20 hours of money trainings, nervous system, mindset and spiritual processes. Includes subconscious reprogramming, identity work, healing money shame/guilt/worry, debt miracles, meditations, workbooks and so much more! 

LIVE COACHING: 6 Weekly Group Coaching Sessions with Nichole (worth the investment alone!) Plus, recordings are yours!

Instant Access EARLY BONUS - Money Emotional Intelligence 5 part series 

Post program bonuses delivered in week 7! (Money Faith + Worthy of More Coaching Audios + Inner Riches Activation Series) Over 18 hours of bonus money breakthrough content!

Six Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with Nichole (worth the investment alone!) Plus, recordings are yours! 

Private community for six weeks to celebrate, share and grow with as you begin to live more Miracle Minded than ever before! 

Lifetime Access to growing Money Miracles Library & bonuses!



$197 x 12 Monthly Payments

Extended Payment Plan

  • MONEY MIRACLES DIGITAL COURSE: 6 modules unlike any $ program you've experienced! Delivered weekly with over 20 hours of money trainings, nervous system, mindset and spiritual processes. Includes subconscious reprogramming, identity work, healing money shame/guilt/worry, debt miracles, meditations, workbooks and so much more! 

LIVE COACHING: 6 Weekly Group Coaching Sessions with Nichole (worth the investment alone!) Plus, recordings are yours!

Instant Access EARLY BONUS - Money Emotional Intelligence 5 part series 

Post program bonuses delivered in week 7! (Money Faith + Worthy of More Coaching Audios + Inner Riches Activation Series) Over 18 hours of bonus money breakthrough content!

Six Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with Nichole (worth the investment alone!) Plus, recordings are yours! 

Private community for six weeks to celebrate, share and grow with as you begin to live more Miracle Minded than ever before! 

Lifetime Access to growing Money Miracles Library & bonuses!





Enroll for Six Weeks of Live Group Coaching with Nichole and participants + replays from sessions + group experience and MORE

I'm Ready for an Upgrade!



Frequently Asked Questions

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Need help deciding? 


Ask the team!