Money Faith is a spiritual journey to unveil your abundant nature. Regardless of the economy, your financial history or current income.
You're invited to a 3 day free experience that will revolutionize your relationship with money...
⟢ Discover the science behind your money expectations and how to surrender to a new money reality now.
⟢ Learn how to shift money disappointments, guilt and shame into your power to prosper.
⟢ Tap into money trust. Open your heart to new money possibilities and fast.
⟢ Nervous system regulation, family history and preparing your brain and body for a new money reality.
⟢ A spiritual process to soften money stress, let go of money struggles and expereince your abundance now!
Meet Your Guide, Nichole Sylvester
My personal money transformation has been dramatic. Six years ago, living on welfare as a solo parent to my little girl, never filling up my gas tank and constant overdrawn accounts. I was committed to breaking generational poverty patterns. And I did! Practicing what I teach, I generated nearly $2M from a business started from scratch. It was a spiritual journey for me and so worth it! When you’re disconnected from your Divinity, you will feel deficient.It's time to shine and OWN your power as a co-creator to tap into your inner-riches.
The inner-work to uncover your money blocks is LAYERED. MENTAL. PHYSICAL. EMOTIONAL. SPIRITUAL.
I'm here to support your breakthroughs! xo
When I was starting on the path to identify and break-free from my money blocks, I read the books, repeated the mantras, bought the courses however, still I hit the same frustrating walls of self-sabotage and stress!
What I now know is that I needed to go deeper. I came to realize that mindset work alone wasn't enough. Especially for us women, we are deeply feeling beings. I had to dramatically raise my awareness to explore and activate mind, body, spirit and emotion. It was my process to reveal, heal and awaken that allowed me to go from welfare to generating over $1M in the last two years alone.
I went from living in constant money lack and stress to building a THRIVING online business from scratch to live a supportive lifestyle, even as a solo parent. Traveling the world with my daughter, staying at the resorts of my dreams! The ability to support the people I love. Giving to foundations that speak to me. This is a privilege.
Money equals options. Money offers freedoms. Money is an ally if we choose to see it as so! You get to choose your bliss and experience what your rich life feels like.
It's your world! You get to choose...
Money Faith Details
The journey begins on Monday, February 13th through Wednesday February 15th. Each day will include a 45 minute live zoom activation, coaching and meditation as I share the secrets to creating immense abundance and miracles as a way of life. Each day we will explore a different aspect of living your richest life now. I will take you on a deep journey into subconscious money beliefs and behaviors, to embody MONEY FAITH.
⟢ You are ready attract, hold and create more money with ease.
⟢ You desire to have MORE without conflicted feelings of guilt or fear.
⟢ You know you're meant for a life no longer limited by money, you desire millions.
⟢ You are ready to look at the beliefs and behaviors that limit your money flow and to let them go.
⟢ You are excited for your very own money revolution!
“Nichole helped me 10x my income and upgrade my life.”
- Michelle Wininger, Award Winning Realtor
“I immediately manifested $1,000 like magic...working with Nichole has been one of my great blessings. This woman is more than a miracle worker, she IS the miracle!”
- Heidi Scheleski, Intuitive Artist
“Working with Nichole helped me release money fears...not only have I 10x my network marketing business, but my entire life received an upgrade. Abundance still continues to pour into my life!”
- Lauren Dorsey, Top NWM Leader & Spiritual Guide
“I have been at a loss for words... I legit cannot even find the words today - I am just so thankful & I wish it would never end."
- Amy Brynn