Self Love & Compassion Healing Connection + The Belief that Makes Us Sick


There's an undeniable connection between your perception of Self and your wellbeing in all areas of life, let's explore it.

You may not know this, but it was my own mystery illness and exhausting symptoms that led me to my own spiritual awakening. 

It was late 2010 when my own anxiety and fear began to cripple me. I was diagnosed with mono, known as the kissing disease, even though I had kissed no one...except my 5 year old daughter on the cheek ;)

My body felt like the life force was sucked out of it. Tired deep in my bones. Which terrified me living pay to check, alone with my daughter.

Still, I was in bed for weeks, unable to work, could barely move my body and even ended up at the ER due to an extreme panic attack in a public space. The doctors prescribed me a bag full of medications. I remember giving the protocol a go and feeling like an absolute zombie!

I knew I couldn't live that way. And something told me, I was making myself sick. 

Everyone around me could see I was not well. But, what they could not see is the state of my mind. The past I hid, the years of abuse I pretended didn't exist and the heavy shame and guilt I walked with.  

It had been 3 years since my life completely turned upside down by violence, trauma and paralyzing fear. I escaped my daughter's father, flew across the country with my toddler daughter and was doing my best to create a new life for us.

Just weeks after hurrying from our home and hopping on a plan in a panic, knowing he'd likely kill me if he found me, I had a call from the Las Vegas Homicide department, he killed a woman in our home.

And this is where everything changed for me. 

The range of emotions I felt was far from healthy. Guilt, shame, terror, rage and everything in between. And rather than process, purge, hire a therapist and grieve all that unfolded...I self-medicated and pushed through to get by as a now solo parent with very little support. 

Soon, I moved to Los Angeles in hopes to restart my life and find normal...finally.

And while I did begin to change my life for the better, my past and my internal experience of myself was making me very sick. I was deteriorating quickly. 

I became desperate, and the blessing in desperate is our willingness to change. 

Over the next few months I discovered books and finally a spiritual center where I learned the truth about myself. I learned how to meditate, I did processes and attended events way outside of my comfort zone to get better. And slowly but surely, I did! 

I began to release my self-hatred, guilt and shame and remember the unconditional love within me. 

After several years of living devoted to these spiritual and mindset practices, my entire life became unrecognizable. In 2015, I started this business of serving others. In 2018, I published my Memoir to tell my story and give others hope in overcoming the seemingly insurmountable. 

I can absolutely confirm that Self-Love and Compassion have profound healing powers. And, still it's a process. 

Now that you understand my own relationship to this process, I want to share a remarkable study done many years ago and offer you practical tips to deepen into Self-Love and embrace every version of you with more compassion. Plus, a prayer at the end to help you lean into faith even more. 

Listen now:

This one is medicine. Share this blog with someone you cherish! 

For more tools, programs and my books to transform your life for the better now:


raise your frequency , meditation teacher, spiritual coach, spiritual teacher , domestic violence survivor , healing after domestic violence , healing addiction , learning to love yourself no matter what , healing shame , healing guilt 


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